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HomeBusiness Press ReleasesBARON JAY FOUNDATION...


Los Angeles, California – CIT/ONE WEST BANK granted Baron Jay Foundation with a check for $25,000. Brian Johnson an employee of The Walt Disney Company donated $15,000 and Disney matched Brian $15,000 to show their commitment to their employees and community.

BJF has a 5-year partnership with Los Angeles Unified School District (“LAUSD”), which has a seventy-seven percent student body that lives at or below the poverty level, BJF host specialized financial empowerment workshops for students and their families.  Additionally, their programs are extended to collegiate and young professional athletes who grew up in abject poverty to help them make a smooth transition to handle increased income. CIT/One West Bank and Disney funding will help to ensure that BJF will continue to make the programs available, BJF will expand and deepen their reach into the most impoverished communities to impact more individuals.

Riches to Wealth financial literacy/Film Arts and mentorship program impacts approximately 1,900 low- to moderate-income individuals.  Through our partnership with LAUSD and other local community-based organizations, we will impact the most disenfranchised youth, student athletes, their families, and communities on a larger scale – providing them with the tools and insight they need to break the debilitating cycle of poverty.  An area of importance that we will address is the psychosocial economic aspects and beliefs about money. Participants will have the opportunity go on several excursions to key financial institutions and businesses to learn about asset and wealth management. 

Baron Littleton and his Board of Directors has great gratitude to the team members of CIT/One West Bank Byron K. Reed, Cynthia Tello and Blanca Montana.

Brian Johnson made a promise that he will speak to other Disney employees to mirror his effort in supporting the Baron Jay Foundation because they are doing important work with our youth.

Baron said, “Thank you to Mechanics Bank, Pacific Premier Bank & LA Care for their support.”

BJF is a 501(c) (3) federally tax exempt non-profit organization that is committed to promoting health awareness, relationship guidance, employment preparedness, and financial literacy arts education  in underserved communities by hosting workshops and programs for at-risk youth. Their mission is to prep youth to be responsible, civic-minded, respectful, and productive citizens. For more information please visit the website at:

Media Contact
Company Name: Baron Jay Foundation
Contact Person: Media Manager
Email: Send Email
Phone: 877.788.9349
State: Los Angeles
Country: United States


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