This book on the Comfort women tells the true stories and removes all the myths and false propagandas that have been told over the years. This book by Koichi Mera, Ph.D. is in its second edition and is currently available on Amazon.
This book which removes all the false stories that has been told during the past three decades and has now been released in its second edition. COMFORT WOMEN NOT SEX SLAVES: Rectifying the Myriad of Perspectives; Second Edition tells the true story of the women known as Comfort Women.
Over the years the Comfort Women have been known by many names, they include prostitutes, and sex-slaves. Some historians estimated there were as many as 20,000 Comfort Women in the Second World War while others have said there were as many as 410,000.
Most of the Comfort Women were from Japan, China, Korea, and the Philippines. These women were providing sexual services for Japanese soldiers at war frontiers in exchange for high remuneration.
Over the years there have been many false stories that have been published, and now the author of COMFORT WOMEN NOT SEX SLAVES: Rectifying the Myriad of Perspectives wants to set the record straight. He wants people to know the real truth and what these women went through and how they were treated.
When asked to explain more about the book, the author replied: “There has been a persistent misunderstanding on Comfort Women among English speaking people. This book is based on a collection of historical documents and research reports which support the validity of the alternative assertion which the author is making: Comfort Women were not Sex-Slaves.”
This book is a very interesting read and should be in the classrooms of all schools so young adults learn the truth about those troubling times. To read the book, please visit
About the Author
Koichi Mera, Ph.D. is President of the Global Alliance for Historical Truth (GAHT) which is based in Santa Monica, California. He has Ph.D. from Harvard University and taught economics, international business, and public administration at Harvard, Tsukuba University, Tokyo International University and the University of Southern California, and worked with the World Bank. In recent decades, he has organized a study group on the history of Japan during the last century and is concerned with political issues related to interpretations of historical records. His recent books include Whose Back Was Stabbed? FDR’s Secret War on Japan (Hamilton Books, 2017).
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