While the world attempts to negotiate peace in the Middle East, it seems God already has a plan. Lasting peace comes from understanding that plan.
Rochester, New York – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Israel is unquestionably the most contentious piece of land in the world. Why? According to the recent book, MY LOVE is ONE (Official Second Revised Edition): What I Learned from the Messiah about Love, Family, Climate Change & The Second Coming by LeTicia Lee (SoRichIam Media & One Crownz), it’s biblical. Jacob, who was later renamed Israel by GOD, was spiritually divided, good and evil. Israel is also the only land GOD guaranteed would withstand world disasters and sustain forever.
Since Israel’s forefathers bought the land, they still own it. However, Abraham (Jacob’s grandfather) had two sons that claim the land, Ishmael(Palestine) and Isaac (the chosen heir aka Israel).
While the two fight amongst themselves, the book MY LOVE is ONE claims that God literally came in the form of a man, bought the land which He already technically owns, and had His bones buried there. Perhaps when God asks, “Can these bones live?” in Ezekiel 37, He’s being facetious.
Thus the Hand of God is literally always over His inheritance. When the LORD returns, (which is imminent, He will come as Israel (a prince) undivided and whole. The book tells us that the two tribes, Ephraim (Israel) and Judah are united during the Millennial reign.
MY LOVE is ONE explains why Israel not only sacred to God, but the state of Israel ultimately determines the fate of humanity on earth.
Therefore, everyone on the planet should be concerned about the safety and security of Israel.
So while the world attempts to negotiate peace in the Middle East, it seems God already has a plan. Lasting peace comes from understanding that plan. And it’s written in a Book. The rest can be found in MY LOVE is ONE (Official Second Revised Edition): What I Learned from the Messiah about Love, Family, Climate Change, and the Second Coming which is now available online and in
bookstores worldwide upon request.
Miriam Abrams
Media Relations
SoRichIam Media & One Crownz
- O. Box 20711
Rochester, N.Y. 14602