A fast-paced psychological tale involving intrigue, romance, unusual and symbolic subplots is now available on Amazon. The book was written by Neil Stipp and is called Total Entrapment. It is available as a paperback and on Kindle, and is highly recommended by book reviewers.

An exciting new thriller book has hit the shelves of Amazon. Total Entrapment is a book that should be turned into a feature film. It has everything a reader would want from a novel.
The story follows Allen Crishon as a young, sensitive, graduate student who becomes obsessively attracted to a mysterious woman, Pearl, whom he accidentally discovers is physically abusing her daughter. Because of the dating relationship and his emotional attachment to Pearl, he decides against going to the police, choosing to bear the guilt of not telling the authorities rather than to risk losing her. However, his friend Peter hears about the abuse and poses as Pearl’s therapy client in order to investigate. When she is eventually arrested, her communal acquaintances begin stalking Allen as the primary target – and he finds himself on the run. This is only the beginning of the novel, with full-of-life characters that are both predictable and unpredictable.
Author, Neil Stipp, talks about his book: “The story moves very quickly, it is fast-paced, and the novel itself is quite short. It could be read in just a few hours – like on a plane trip from New York to Los Angeles, or in one carefree afternoon when a person just wants to relax.”
The new thriller has just been launched on Amazon. You may get your copy here: https://www.amazon.com/Total-Entrapment-Neil-Stipp/dp/1948779544/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1528737245&sr=1-1&keywords=9781948779548
One reviewer on Amazon said about the book: “Thoroughly enjoyed this book as it captivated my attention throughout the whole story. It is fast reading and the characters connect together so well that the story is both exciting and intriguing. This is the second book of Neil Stipp’s that I have read and both of them were a pleasure to read. I would recommend this book and give it ***** (5 stars!)”
To learn more about Total Entrapment, you may visit: http://totalentrapment.com/
About Neil Stipp
Neil Stipp is not only an author but a music teacher, organist and published composer. A native southern Californian, he received his doctorate in organ performance and wrote a dissertation on Mozart.
His articles have been published by “The American Organist” and he is the author of the novels “Detours” and “A City of Gold”.
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