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TopLine Clothes Line delivers indoor drying solution for individuals with limited outdoor space

Exclusive product makes use of indoor space with creative design

 TopLine Clothes Line is a new, innovative product that is sweeping Australia, allowing individuals to cleverly dry their clothes indoors. The clothes line uses smart technology to simplify clothes drying and take the stress out of hanging items up inside. The device provides a mess-free experience and no longer will individuals have clothing hanging up around the house or failing to dry properly, creating odours.

The TopLine Clothes Line utilises space that goes unused in most homes, apartments, and townhouses. The device is hardwired wired into the ceiling and with the simple push of a remote-control button, lowers toward the floor, allowing you to hang up wet clothing. It the retracts upwards out of the way. The clothes line has a fan and heater function that dries the wet items.

The TopLine Clothes Line not only maximises space, but it is energy efficient as well. The energy-saving device costs around 10 cents per hour to operate. A traditional tumble dryer not only takes up space in a property, but costs more money to operate than a TopLine Clothes Line. A tumble dryer will use around 4.6 kilowatts of energy per hour. A homeowner can expect to spend around $1.40 for each hour the tumble dryer runs. The costs add up over time.

In addition, homeowners save time as they no longer have to lug their wet clothing outdoors to pin on a clothes line – where it could end up getting dirty once more. Pollen and animal dandruff can come in contact with clothes drying on an outdoor clothes line. Those allergens can then enter the home and cause various health issues for individuals. A TopLine Clothes Line prevents this from occurring thanks to its innovative design.

There are three versions of the clothes line, making it a perfect addition to any property. Depending on the size of a property, there is a size to suit every household from a single bedroom apartment to a large house. The device is available in sizes of 80cm, 120cm, and 150cm.

For more information on the TopLine Clothes Line, please visit the company’s official website.


Contact details

Company: TopLine Clothes Line

Product: Clothes Dryer



Telephone:1300 991 266


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