Angela Murray, a motivational psychotherapist has launched an online treatment program for those people who have been a victim of domestic abuse. The program allows people to get expert help without leaving the safety of their home.
A leading expert in domestic abuse treatment who has herself been a victim has launched an online treatment program that aims to help people overcome their traumatic experience. Angela Murray, a Motivational Psychotherapy has launched the program to help people without leaving their home.
The online abuse therapy program has become so successful it has gained huge exposure around the world. The results that it brings allows those people who have been a victim of domestic abuse to feel empowered and lead a successful life.
The program provides all the support and guidance a person needs to re-build their life. It includes twelve 60-minute motivational psychotherapy sessions, a Solid care plan/success strategy to use after therapy has ended, Monthly progress discussions, and Weekly homework worksheets (at least 12 worksheets).
The scale of domestic abuse in the USA and around the world is shocking. There are no signs that domestic abuse is decreasing. According to official figures, one woman is assaulted or beaten in the USA every nine seconds. More than 30% of the population in the USA have been subjected to domestic abuse with 10 million children going through the trauma of witnessing violence within the home. In the UK, more than 2.1 million people suffer from domestic abuse. However, many believe that only women suffer from domestic abuse.
As Angela Murray points out, one in four men has suffered from domestic abuse but many of those men keep quiet just like women do about their experience. Angela Murray wants more people to speak out about their experience and wants them to escape the threat of violence within their relationship. For those who have suffered from domestic abuse millions of those victims still feel trapped for many years after escaping. That can and does result in a person not being able to lead a normal and fulfilling life, and that is why this new online domestic abuse treatment program is so important.
The domestic abuse program can help people sort out their emotions to allow them to begin healing. It’s not always easy to get an appointment or to find a therapist, or to find time in a busy schedule to get the help that a person needs. With Angela offering an online program, it means people can get help when they need it and in their own time.Â
To learn more about the domestic abuse program, and why it has become so successful, please visit
Angela Murray is a motivational psychotherapist. She helps survivors of domestic abuse who are looking to up-level their lives and overcome the effects of trauma.