Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. (Philippians 2:3)
IT’S ALL GOOD — To his distinctly unique credit, Dr. Casuel Pitts, 33, is the mastermind behind a half dozen business ventures, most notably his featured endeavor that is Ultimate Discount Services INC., a progressive, thriving company he said was “created by God” during a recent interview with Making Headline News.
There’s no other way to put it.
Dr. Casuel D Pitts Jr. is serial entrepreneur.
Hey, he said it.
And, given the immeasurable strides this Orlando, Florida-based businessman has made since delving off the ever-so-competitive world of entrepreneurship, he’s certainly earned the right to make such a dauntless declaration.
To his distinctly unique credit, Dr. Pitts, 33, is the mastermind behind a half dozen business ventures, most notably his featured endeavor that is Ultimate Discount Services INC., a progressive, thriving company he said was “created by God” during a recent interview with Making Headline News.
“But He chose me to run this empire,” Dr. Pitts said without hesitation.
A company that officially went into full operations in 2014, Dr. Pitts has appropriately described his company as “the core of UDS is reimbursements.”
Since the startup of Ultimate Discount Services INC., Dr. Pitts and his team have enjoyed a considerable amount of success.
Sustained success, that is.
“Our goal is to help people save money while educating them on how important “credit, investments, and entrepreneurship are,” Dr. Pitts explained. “It is important for consumers to realize that UDS is not insurance, although we have similarities. Our focus is to make sure reimbursements are received on things you cannot control.”
Interestingly, Dr. Pitts deems it essential to often offer a rather intriguing scenario when sharing with the masses his up-and-coming business venture.
A company that officially went into full operations in 2014, Dr. Pitts has appropriately described his company as “the core of UDS is reimbursements.”
“Ask yourself, ‘When was the last time you or someone you know damaged a cell phone?’ What about the last time you or someone you know received some type of traffic ticket? What about medical, dental, and vision co-pays?’” Dr. Pitts said. “These are just a few things that we reimburse on.”
A company that has garnered a reputation for accommodating consumers in the each of the 50 U. S. states, Dr. Pitts emphasized that Ultimate Discount Services INC. will service clients internationally by as early as the year 2025.
“(We’re striving to teach people how to save money, invest money, all while building credit at the same time,” said Dr. Pitts, referring to his company’s longstanding mission.
A native of Kankakee, Illinois who was raised mostly in Brooklyn, New York, Dr. Pitts’ company has been thoroughly embraced by a host of celebrities and celebrity athletes, most notably former NFL star and recent Hall of Fame inductee Ray Lewis of Baltimore Ravens, who serves as the company’s President.
An entrepreneur tenure that spans more two decades, Dr. Pitts’ featured business venture caters mostly to those whom he refers to as the “millennial drive with the wisdom of the baby boomers and Generation X.”
Having earned an undergraduate degree in Psychology, Dr. Pitts earned a Master’s Degree in Marketing and Advertising, and Doctorate Degrees in Business Management, Entrepreneurship, and Leadership and Organization.
As for amongst those who inspired him to established what is shaping up to be sought-after business, Dr. Pitts said he especially guilty of paying homage to Almighty God first and foremost, his wife, Ashanti Pitts and my business colleagues, not to mention a host of colleagues.
A business he’s convinced has yet to enjoy its best and brightest days, Dr. Pitts emphasized he’s very much open to speaking engagements and public appearances, during which he would discuss in more detail his booming business.
As for his current itinerary, he said: “The best way to know about the events that I will be attending is by visiting my site (www.myempire.club) and get on my list to receive notifications and motivational quotes.”
In addition, Dr. Pitts announced that he and his staff will be adding an events section to Ultimate Discount Services INC online so you prospective clients can visit the company’s website at www.udsinc.us.
“My desire is to change poverty amongst many other things,” Dr. Pitts said. “My goal is to leave a legacy behind so deep that they add me in the history books so that kids of all color have hope, which means to me: Helping Other People Everyday. Whoever is reading this, I just want you to know that I will not stop until I get this completed.”
Well said appropriately stated by this, a serial entrepreneur.
In his own right.
For more information about Orlando, Florida-based Businessman Dr. Casuel Pitts of Ultimate Discount Services INC., call 224.656.1767.
Also, connect with him at:
Media Contact
Company Name: Ultimate Discount Services INC.
Contact Person: Dr. Casuel Pitts
Phone: 224.656.1767
Country: United States
Website: www.udsinc.us